Preparing to Return to Work

Preparing to Return to Work

Whether you are eager or not to return to work, companies are beginning the shift back to at least a partial week in the office. Many employers feel that face to face interaction helps with communication and camaraderie.

The Dreaded Return to Work

You may feel different. You may feel as though you were thriving and far more productive at home. Certainly, you didn’t have the commute time to worry about. You may have preferred the virtual environment.

Looking Forward to Normal

Or maybe you are looking forward to the office. Juggling online meetings, children, meals, etc. made it hard to concentrate. When you are in business mode, it can be hard to shift gears when the children are home and in need of attention.

Anxiety over the Return

Whether or not the return is welcome, aspects of the return to work will not be the same and will raise feeling of anxiety. Roughly 70% of workers are concerned of the return with the majority worried about exposure to COVID and fear of getting sick.

When we experience change, we tend to become resourceful and adapt to the new situation. Many of us were forced to create a virtual office in our home, whether that was a spare room or the dining room table, we made it happen. Now, as we transition to what was the previous normal, it will not be the same. Mask requirements are still in effect, we need to be careful in community areas, wash or sanitize our hands whenever we touch the coffee pot, and perhaps even have our temperatures taken as we enter the office.

Companies that are preparing to transition their employees back into the office need to recognize all the concerns that this raises for their employees. A great way to do this to build a hybrid work model that introduces the in-office requirements slowly and complement this with a rotational work schedule to minimize the number of employees in the office at any one time. This phased approach will help employees work out day care or babysitting concerns as well as allow employees to maintain a properly spaced work environment for safety.

Other actions employers can take is to install sanitizing stations around the office, focusing on entrances and community areas such as the break room and conference room. Employing good cleaning services for the office, policies for visitors, and good communication about these policies is paramount.

Planning to Reopen

OSHA provides some guidance for safe and healthful working conditions – in their Guidance on Returning to Work. As many employees have been working from home for over a year now, it is important that the return be well-orchestrated. Communication is the most important aspect of a safe return and will serve to minimize anxiety for all involved. As everyone’s personal situation is different, some may have much more anxiety than others about the safety of the move back to the office.

If you or a co-worker are experiencing feeling of anxiety over the return to work, reach out to us for personalized counseling. We offer six convenient locations as well as teletherapy via text, video, or phone. Let us help you start your journey back to the office with a positive mental attitude!!!


ACT Family Counseling

6 Locations to Serve You

Apple Valley | Chino | Rancho Cucamonga | Redlands | Ontario | Victorville


This article first appeared at ACT

CLICK HERE to learn more about Teletherapy and how you can connect via phone, text, or video.

The World Can be a Lonely Place

The World Can be a Lonely Place

The pandemic has changed many aspects of our lives, from how we shop to how we spend our free time. We do our best to maintain 6 feet from anyone we don’t know, and even those we know really well we still maintain some distance for safety. We elbow bump instead of hug, we use online conferencing for social gatherings, even our children are learning to have their get togethers online.

Stolen Moments

The hardest part is the inability to visit our sick. Whether it is our parent with dementia or our uncle with COVID. Our family members are struggling with their health with only hospital staff to provide comfort.

Both above cited cases are all too common unfortunately. Our elderly family members with mental health issues like Alzheimer’s or Dementia don’t do well on the phone if their disease is advanced. Language skills are challenging as well as the ability to process and retain what is being said to them. In fact, Alzheimer’s and Dementia patients rely considerably on facial expression and simple acts of touching and comfort to communicate. Obviously, this is a challenge with COVID.

Family members who have contracted COVID and are at risk are likely to be in a hospital, quarantined from the world and surviving on oxygen or a ventilator. Having a mask on your face to breathe makes talking on the phone, the only means of communication when in quarantine, quite difficult.

Keeping it Together

We are all hopeful as we see the vaccines being rolled out as quickly as possible. The rates of new hospitalizations are dropping but it will still be months before all the restrictions of the pandemic are lifted.

If you or someone you love has been affected by the lonely, dark times the COVID virus has inflicted on our lives, help is here. We are available to help you from six convenient locations, or by phone, by text, or by video. We do take most major insurances and many insurance companies are actually waiving co-pays.

Don’t struggle alone. Reach out to us for personalized counseling and therapy. Let us help you start your journey to better mental health!!!

ACT Family Counseling

6 Locations to Serve You

Apple Valley | Chino | Rancho Cucamonga | Redlands | Ontario | Victorville


This article first appeared at ACT

CLICK HERE to learn more about Teletherapy and how you can connect via phone, text, or video.


2021 State of Mind

2021 State of Mind

Family balance during COVIDAs the pandemic continues, we are seeing the highest levels of anxiety and depression since we first learned about COVID-19 back in February of 2020. We have been sheltered with only essential businesses allowed to remain open. Many people have lost their jobs, and many businesses have been forced to close.

Even now as the vaccine is making its way through the “at risk” population, health care workers, and the education sector, we are still unable to fully open our doors. The vaccine, of sorts, is more of an instruction set to keep you safe, rather than an immunization and protection from spreading.

Loneliness and isolation are the new norm. Loved ones are dying of COVID and our elderly have been isolated from family for too long. Alarming numbers of children and teens are reporting thoughts of suicide or self-harm. Depression and anxiety have skyrocketed. Many areas around the country are not equipped to handle this mental crisis.

More children and adults have mental health concerns that are left untreated. Young people are struggling the most with over half of 11–17-year-olds reporting thoughts of suicide.

We Can Help

We must find a way to bring care and treatment to those who need it. Thanks to technology there is an answer to the unmet need for mental health treatment.

Teletherapy – Affordable & Convenient

Reach out to us, we can help. We offer personalized counseling and therapy via text, video, or phone. Many insurance companies are waving copays. Let us help you start your journey to better mental health!


ACT Family Counseling

6 Locations to Serve You

Apple Valley | Chino | Rancho Cucamonga | Redlands | Ontario | Victorville


This article first appeared at ACT

CLICK HERE to learn more about Teletherapy and how you can connect via phone, text, or video.

Mental Health Challenges

Mental Health Challenges

Mental health issues can have many different signs and symptoms. They are as unique as people are. There are some common underlying themes, but how well we hide it, how we deal with it, if or how we share it with others, varies tremendously from person to person.

Here are a few common attributes:

  • Anxiety
  • Changes in Mood
  • Changes in Perception
  • Changes in Behavior
  • Fears
  • Obsessions

BUT… Let’s NOT give it a LABEL

Who really cares if your mental health problem is called ADHD, Bipolar, Depression, Anger, or some other Psychosis? The important fact is that you are not yourself. Normal daily activities are no longer normal or comfortable. You struggle with simple things or get overly upset for no apparent reason.

You don’t need a fancy label for your mental disorder to tell you things are not right. You need someone to listen, someone trained who can make sense of the noise in your head, someone without judgement who will gently guide you out of the darkness.

With all the craziness in today’s world, maybe it’s just an overwhelming time in your life and you need a helping hand. Maybe you were not well before, and the whole COVID mess has made it worse. Whatever it is, we are glad to be there for you.

We will connect with you however is best for you. Unsure of how it all works? Just reach out to our call center for help getting started. 800-801-8777 or Contact Us and we will be happy to reach out to you!


ACT Family Counseling

6 Locations to Serve You

Apple Valley | Chino | Rancho Cucamonga | Redlands | Ontario | Victorville


This article first appeared at ACT

CLICK HERE to learn more about Teletherapy and how you can connect via phone, text, or video.

Make Mental Health a New Year’s Resolution

Make Mental Health a New Year’s Resolution

We all face challenges in our lives that can impact our mental health. This is especially true now as we face a myriad of issues from pandemic lockdowns, loss of loved ones, loss of jobs, stress over finances…the list goes on.

The past 10 months have been like no other and dealing with all the mainstream issues can be particularly overwhelming, especially for the younger generations. As we work from home and school remotely, it becomes even more important to remember to find time to take care of our health. Parents are constantly juggling a ton of competing priorities their lives, but mental health is one that should not be ignored.

Here are a few signs that counseling may be needed:

  • Trouble coping with everyday tasks
  • Excessive worry, anxiety
  • Mood swings, impulsiveness
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Drinking or drugs to dull the pain
  • Overwhelming feelings of hopelessness, sadness

Make a Mental Health Resolution

If you haven’t found a reason to smile, let us help you find one.

Our counseling couldn’t be easier to access or more affordable. We take most major insurance types. Yes, we accept insurance. Most of the insurance companies want to help during the pandemic and are waving co-pays. This is a win-win for you. We’ll help you determine your costs and get you started.

It Couldn’t Be Easier

Reach out to us for personalized counseling and therapy via text, video, or phone. Let us help you start the New Year with an important resolution…

YOU and your mental health!!!


ACT Family Counseling

6 Locations to Serve You

Apple Valley | Chino | Rancho Cucamonga | Redlands | Ontario | Victorville


This article first appeared at ACT

CLICK HERE to learn more about Teletherapy and how you can connect via phone, text, or video.